Officina11 Studio
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Nuovo video “rispetti e strambotti”, Milano Saxophone Quartet
Scopri il nostro nuovo video per l’album “rispetti e strambotti”
“There is no doubt that recording a CD of music by Gian Francesco Malipiero is an ambitious project, especially since the composer himself never even thought about using a saxophone quartet for his music.”
Music by G.F. Malipiero arranged by L. Schiavo, F. Zattera, P.D Peretti, A. Schiavo.
Milano Saxophone Quartet:
Damiano Grandesso, Soprano sax
Stefano Papa, Alto Sax
Massimiliano Girardi, Tenor Sax
Livia Ferrara, Baritone Sax
Clicca di seguito per vedere il video:
Officina11 Studio
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Nuovo logo The extraordinary italian taste
Il nuovo logo del Made in Italy non piace agli operatori!
“Il marchio contro le false imitazioni del Made in Italy” recita un baldanzoso titolo di Rai News. “Contro le false imitazioni” è un magnifico lapsus: dice una cosa che è priva di senso, e che tuttavia risulta stranamente pertinente al fatto al quale si riferisce.
I prodotti “italian sounding” valgono oggi 60 miliardi di euro. È il doppio del valore dei prodotti italiani “veri” che esportiamo. Negli Stati Uniti solo un prodotto su otto, tra quelli venduti come italiani, è italiano davvero.
Vi linkiamo due interessanti articoli sulla questione:
Officina11 Studio
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Attitude Interior design Magazine #56
Vi riportiamo qui di seguito il contenuto di questo bell’articolo della rivista portoghese “Attitude Interior Design Magazine” su “Zerogloss Design Store”, concept store di cui abbiamo seguito il progetto di allestimento nel 2012.
‘Think more, design less’ it’s with this motto that a store has been designed which invests in direct and emotional communication with its visitors. There are phrases on the walls that don’t just whisper, they positively shout out. They shout out because they provoke, liberate or unsettle the reader, integrating the motto through the authentic feel of the whole space – where decoration is stripped of adornment; what is encountered in the store, is there to be seen from all angles. Everything is out in the open, nothing is hidden. It’s an invitation to see, wander around and feel things with our touch.
The elegance encountered at Zerogloss, in Vicenza (Italy), is to be found in the lack of glossiness and in the respect shown for the industrial character of the building, a former factory dating back to the 1970s.
Officina 11 Studio, responsible for the project, got its inspiration from the atmosphere of international furniture fairs, creating a huge display area where the furniture and design pieces by creators from Northern Europe as well as the work of up-and-coming designers can all breathe uncluttered. Where pomp and circumstance are scarce, displayed objects are able to stand out, and this is exactly the intention. In this discourse devoid of pretence, a conceptual vision of trade, creativity and style is achieved.
This space is more than just a store, it also encourages social intercourse, being equipped with a bar and an outside terrace, which contributes to the cultural life of Vicenza with its own schedule of events. With its cosmopolitan and unpretentious register, Zerogloss breathes new life into an old factory building – and that is what being intrinsically brilliant is all about.
Post links:
Scopri qui l’intero progetto di allestimento:
Officina11 Studio
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Packaging for Specter Design
Realizzazione di brand identity e packaging per i prodotti “Specter Design”!
Brand identity, communication design and packaging for products “Specter Design”!
Scopri l’intero progetto: https://www.officina11.it/portfolio/packaging-per-specter-design/
Officina11 Studio
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Progetto di Brand Identity per la Casa di Cura Privata “Villa Margherita” (Arcugnano, Vicenza). Partendo dal vecchio logo caratterizzato dai tre celebri triangolini verdi, abbiamo creato i presupposti per una nuova forma: più morbida, leggera, elegante.
Scopri l’intero progetto: https://www.officina11.it/portfolio/brand-identity-per-villa-margherita/
Brand Identity project for the Private Nursing Home “Villa Margherita”, in Arcugnano (Vicenza, Italy). We started from the old logo, characterized by the well known green triangles. So we have created the conditions for a new shape, more elegant, lighter and softer.
Look at the project: https://www.officina11.it/portfolio/brand-identity-per-villa-margherita/